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Why It’s Critical to Know the Difference Between a Secular Bear and a Cyclical Bear Market
Released on Tuesday, March 16, 2021•MARKETS
The Dow Jones 30 Industrials composite has experienced eight secular bear markets, which each had minimum lifespans of eight years since 1802. This includes the secular bear which began in 1929 and lasted until 1949. There has been an aggregate of more than 100 cyclical bear markets during the eight secular bull markets which have occurred since 1815. The last cyclical bear which began in February 2020 had a duration of nine months. The presentation is timely since Michael Markowski's algorithm has indicated that first secular bear market since 2000 has begun or will soon begin. This presentation will cover why investing strategies which are utilized during a secular bull do not work during a secular bear. The investing strategies which work best during a secular bear will also be covered.
Michael Markowski
Director of Strategies
Algorithm developer Michael Markowski, who was named by Fortune Magazine as one its 50 great investors, has a track record for predicting market tops and bottoms. He utilized one of his algorithms to predict the collapses of the US' five largest brokers including Lehman, Bear Stearns, and Merrill Lynch in a September 2007 Equities Magazine article. In a September 2018, Fox Business interview Mr. Markowski emphatically predicted the violent Q4 2018 correction and the precise 34% decline of the 2020 correction. He is the director of strategies for a developer of strategies to grow assets against the wind, and is also the director of research for
Mr. Markowski has developed numerous high-performance algorithms since entering the capital markets with Merrill Lynch in 1977. He is an experienced analyst, portfolio manager, and underwriter of IPOs and an expert on market sentiment, secular markets, and identifying stocks with 10X upside potential. The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, and Forbes have acknowledged his expertise in analyzing the cash flow statements of publicly held companies.
Mr. Markowski has developed numerous high-performance algorithms since entering the capital markets with Merrill Lynch in 1977. He is an experienced analyst, portfolio manager, and underwriter of IPOs and an expert on market sentiment, secular markets, and identifying stocks with 10X upside potential. The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, and Forbes have acknowledged his expertise in analyzing the cash flow statements of publicly held companies.
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