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Next-Step Investing: Building a Portfolio for the Next Bull Run!
Released on Thursday, July 13, 2023•MARKETS
This workshop will give investors (conservative, moderate, and aggressive) the 5 simple tools to reset your portfolio for the next leg of the bull market.
Nancy Zambell
Cabot Money Club,
Chief Analyst
Nancy Zambell is the chief analyst of Cabot Money Club, which includes Cabot Money Club Stock of the Month and Cabot Money Club Magazine, and the author of the investing book, Make Money Buying & Selling Stocks. She honed her investment analysis skills and made a name for herself as a securities analyst in the brokerage industry. Ms. Zambell conceived her investment/financial blog to provide investors with sharp, unbiased analysis of the events that shape global economies, find new investment ideas, and learn the best techniques to manage their money for maximum profits. She is a lecturer and educator, volunteering her time and expertise to lead seminars for investors around the country, and has been widely published in the national media.
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