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Michael Gayed


The Lead-Lag Report

  • Portfolio Manager at Toroso Asset Management
  • Award Winning Author
  • Publisher of The Lead-Lag Report

About Michael

Michael A. Gayed is a portfolio manager and author of five award-winning research papers on market anomalies and investing. He has a BS with a double major in finance and management from NYU Stern School of Business and is a CFA charterholder. Mr. Gayed is the publisher of The Lead-Lag Report, focused on helping investors outperform in all market conditions. It offers a tactical, data-driven approach to investing to achieve long-term success even in the face of uncertainty. With increasing market volatility, it's essential to understand risk-on/risk-off signals, seize high-yield opportunities, and leverage award-winning research to maximize returns. 

Michael's Articles

Now that the Fed has officially launched its rate cutting cycle, it’s time to give the broader fixed income space another look. The PIMCO Income Strategy Fund II (PFN) invests in a diversified mix of government and corporate, investment-grade and non-investment-grade, fixed-rate and floating-rate notes from around the world, writes Michael Gayed, editor of The Lead-Lag Report.

Michael's Videos

It's a new year, but investors still face many of the same old problems. A Federal Reserve that's hiking interest rates. An economy that's weakening. And a market that doesn't know which way to turn. Join Michael Gayed, portfolio manager at Toroso Investments, and Mike Larson, editor-in-chief at MoneyShow, for this lively discussion on what's coming next—and how you can capitalize.

Michael A. Gayed authored five award-winning papers from 2014 to 2020, and also won the 2015 Founders Award for his paper documenting how lumber and gold can be used as signals for managing investment portfolios. This eye-opening paper focuses on the predictive power of two seemingly unrelated commodities, which provide important information on the economic cycle and risk-seeking behavior in various assets. His work has important implications for both asset allocators and active managers.
Keeping a balanced portfolio of 60% equity, 40% fixed income has been one of the investing world's most tried-and-true strategies for managing risk. But in this era of high volatility, ultra-low yields, and longer life spans, investors are looking for better, non-correlated returns. Enter alternative ETFs, which can enhance risk-adjusted returns and provide liquidity, without the high fees. This panel will examine the choices available to today's investors, along with tips for incorporating them into a traditional portfolio.