Seth Hickle
Derivatives Portfolio Manager,
Innovative Portfolios
About Seth
Seth Hickel is a derivatives portfolio manager with Innovative Portfolios and its parent company Sheaff Brock Investment Advisors. He has over a decade of professional experience trading futures, futures options, equities, and equity options. Seth uses a blend of technical, fundamental, and macroeconomic analysis to drive investment decisions with a focus on systematically harvesting volatility risk premiums in separately managed accounts, ETFs, a UCITs, and a private fund.
Seth's Videos
People don't like losing value and are willing to pay more than they should to protect their assets. How can others' fear of investment risk provide you with an alternative income stream? Join Innovative Portfolios' Seth Hickle and Louie Humphries, as well as Nasdaq's Kevin Davitt, to break down this common misconception.