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Tyler Crowe

Analyst & Author,

Misfit Alpha

About Tyler

Tyler Crowe is an analyst, researcher, writer, and all-around curious observer of everything investing. Mr. Crowe has been a contributor and editor for numerous financial media outlets for over a decade. His publication, Misfit Alpha, unearths some of the most under-covered and underappreciated companies that have generated tremendous wealth over the years. His work has been featured on CNBC, CNN Money, TIME, USA Today, Money Magazine, Fox Business, and The Motley Fool. Tyler Crowe holds an MBA from Collège des Ingénieurs in Paris as well as an MS in Civil Engineering and a BS in Civil Engineering, Foreign Affairs, and French from the University of New Hampshire.

Tyler's Articles

An interesting economic factoid has been making its rounds lately: The US economy has only been in a recession for two months out of the last 180-plus. It’s hard to state how great this economic expansion has been. But any statement about how frequently the economy goes into recession has no scientific backing. It is just a heuristic someone came up with, advises Tyler Crowe, author of Misfit Alpha.
If you spent more than 30 seconds on social media Monday, you came across both sides of the panic spectrum. The prophets of doom were saying this was “the tip of the iceberg” or some other cryptic catchphrase. On the other hand, you had the panic buyers, the ones telling you to “load up” on shares of various companies. Ignore both, suggests Tyler Crowe, author of Misfit Alpha.
There is something incredibly reinvigorating about spending time around people who love to talk about investing. Get a dozen value investors in the room, and suddenly, you can talk about, say, the capital allocation priorities of a trash-hauling service company without watching the eyes of the people in your conversation group glazing over, notes Tyler Crowe, author of Misfit Alpha.
Investing in Mexico has been on my radar for over a year. Lately, I have highlighted a few investments in the Mexican market that have either been long-term winners or intriguing new ways to invest in Mexico’s economic growth and rising prosperity. A lot of things have been working in the country’s favor, explains Tyler Crowe, author of Misfit Alpha.

Tyler's Videos

 The post-COVID world has exposed many flaws in current global supply chains, and the world is responding with major investments in nearshoring and supply chain resiliency. This trend should open up immense opportunities in North America for businesses and investors alike.