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Janet Brown


FundX Investment Group

  • IMEA STAR Award winning Newsletter 2018-2020
  • Forbes Contributor Since 2011
  • Fund Intelligence Top Fixed-Income Manager (2017)

About Janet

Janet Brown is CEO of FundX Investment Group, a San Francisco-based registered investment advisor that has helped generations of clients build and preserve wealth for more than 50 years. Her acclaimed upgrading strategy is an active approach that uses mutual funds and ETFs to capitalize on global market trends, whether for growth or to lower volatility or increase tax efficiency. FundX manages separate accounts for individuals, retirement plans, and businesses; publishes NoLoad FundX, a monthly newsletter; and also offers a series of FundX Upgrader Funds available through all major brokers.

Janet's Articles

Are you doing enough to manage your investment taxes? When you invest in a taxable account, you are taxed on your investment gains, so you’ll want to manage your investments in a tax-efficient way, notes Janet Brown, mutual fund expert and editor of No-Load FundX Newsletter.
The end of the year is an important time for fund investors: it’s your last chance to make tax-smart moves in your portfolio, asserts Janet Brown, mutual fund expert and editor of No-Load FundX Newsletter.
“I’m worried about the election,” an investor told us recently. “Should I take some money off the table?” He was a longtime investor, so he’d been through many elections before, but everything seemed so different this year, notes Janet Brown, president of FundX Investment Group and editor of NoLoad FundX. 

Janet's Videos

Janet Brown describes the evolution of socially responsible investing and why you don't necessarily have to give up performance.
More than half of global assets managers are looking at the material risk that things like client change and inequality have on corporate bottom lines

How to adapt to a changing market environment and apply it in your trading. Follow changes in market sector leadership to stay ahead of the game. C

At MoneyShow SF, Janet Brown and Hillary Kramer on impact investing strategy, sustainable or socially responsible. More and more are aware that where they put investing dollars matters.