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How to Find the Best Reversals Within a Second and Even on the Go
If you think that making money is about the perfect strategy, you better think twice. Because even the best strategy is worthless if you don´t find the perfect situation for it. This brings us to the most important tool in trading and investing: The screener. Of course, you can go through your list day by day and use hours for this. But why should you do this, if you can do the same within a second?Wieland Arlt, CFTe and president of the International Federation of Technical Analysts shows you not only how to trade his preferred strategy but also, how you can find countless stocks giving you promising opportunities daily.

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Discover how institutional traders move the markets and learn to trade alongside them using real-time options flow data. In this session, we’ll break down how to interpret large block orders, sweeps, and volume spikes—leveraging SensaMarket’s 100+ pre-built strategies to maximize your trading edge.
So, just what is a common-sense trading strategy? It does the following: your money grows in up-markets, down markets, and flat markets. Your money is liquid all the time. Get in or out anytime you want. And on top of all of that, you get to choose whether you want a 1x or 2x or 3x growth rate. Join Mike Turner, a world-class thought leader for money management, as he walks you through one of the most amazing common-sense and incredibly successful portfolio management processes you have ever seen and how easy it is to put this process to work for you today! No more guessing about what the market is going to do tomorrow or next week or for the rest of the year You’ll actually look forward to bear markets instead of being scared to death of them. Finally… A trading strategy that works in all markets!
So, just what is a common-sense trading strategy? It does the following: your money grows in up-markets, down markets, and flat markets. Your money is liquid all the time. Get in or out anytime you want. And on top of all of that, you get to choose whether you want a 1x or 2x or 3x growth rate. Join Mike Turner, a world-class thought leader for money management, as he walks you through one of the most amazing common-sense and incredibly successful portfolio management processes you have ever seen and how easy it is to put this process to work for you today! No more guessing about what the market is going to do tomorrow or next week or for the rest of the year You’ll actually look forward to bear markets instead of being scared to death of them. Finally… A trading strategy that works in all markets!