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Major Trends for Family Offices
Released on Wednesday, October 11, 2023•ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS
Join Ron Diamond as he discusses major trends that are occurring in the Family Office industry. He will discuss how and why Family Offices are disrupting the private equity and venture capital industries. He will also talk about the major impact that Family Offices are having in the world of philanthropy. Lastly, he will explain the impact Family Offices will experience from the largest transfer of wealth in history—: $84.4 trillion is being transferred from the baby boomers to the next generation in the next 20 years.
Ron Diamond
Diamond Wealth,
Chairman and CEO
Longtime investor and entrepreneur Ronald Diamond is the founder and chairman of Diamond Wealth. He represents over 100 family offices, ranging in size from $250 million to $30 billion. Diamond Wealth invests in private markets (private equity, venture capital, real estate, credit), and has divisions that focus on philanthropy, wealth transfer, investment banking, social impact, and governance. Mr. Diamond serves on the advisory board of ten privately held companies and acts as chairman for four of them. He is also the chair of two TIGER 21 chapters in Chicago and a newly created family office group for TIGER 21.
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