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Hard Asset Alternatives for Passive Investors
Released on Wednesday, May 3, 2023•ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS
When uncertainty shows up in the economy, many investors turn to the safety and security of hard assets. While they can provide both a hedge and a safe haven, these types of alternative investments also require more education, research, time, and relationships. Thankfully there are some proven methods for less-active investors to shore up their portfolios with less work and fewer hassles. Now is a great time to consider how to position your portfolio to weather any financial storm.
Robert Helms
The Real Estate Guys Radio Show,
Robert Helms is a professional real estate investor with over 35 years of investment and development experience in nine states and six countries. As a former top-producing real estate agent, he ranked in the top 1% of sales in the world's largest real estate organization. Mr. Helms is the co-author of Equity Happens--Building Lifelong Wealth with Real Estate and the host of the nationally syndicated radio show The Real Estate Guys, now in its 26th year of broadcast. The podcast version of the show is one of the most downloaded podcasts on real estate and is heard in more than 190 countries.
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