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Thematic ETF Investing: The Global Macro Opportunity Set

Released on Wednesday, August 11, 2021ETFs
TPW Advisory (TPWA) developed the Covid Speed concept in early 2020 to help understand Covid's impact on the investment world. Out of that work came the Covid Speed Model: The deployment of global intellectual and financial capital to solve a single issue-a Covid vaccine-which succeeded in developing multiple vaccines in 1/10th the normal time. This model represents a secular change that will be utilized to address other critical global issues such as climate, cybersecurity and the melding of traditional finance, fintech, and crypto. Climate, with its 2030 date certain for peak carbon, its 100% global nature, and its in-your-face extreme weather visibility is THE global trend of the 2020s. Jay Pelosky and TPWA believes ETF-based, thematic investing represents the best way for investors to gain access to these investment opportunities. So much so that they created the TPW 20, a 100% thematic global model portfolio comprised of 20 select ETFs covering roughly a dozen distinct themes. Join us to learn more!

Jay Pelosky
TPW Advisory, Founder and Principal

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