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Classic Trend Following Meets DeFi: A Ground Floor Investment Opportunity
Released on Tuesday, October 11, 2022•STRATEGIES
The past few years have undeniably highlighted the key benefits of including systematic diversified trend following strategies within a classic investment portfolio. Here is a ground floor investment opportunity as we seek to bridge classic "Trend Following" exposure with the nascent DeFi community and make this much-needed asset class available to the masses. Our community continues to grow through this academic project published every minute of every trading day since 2014.
Andrew Strasman
Totem Asset Group, LLC,
Andrew Strasman is the principal of Totem Asset Group, a commodity trading advisory firm based out of Evanston, IL. He co-founded a networking group of Chicago-area financial professionals ( which grew organically from four people to over 2,200. Mr. Strasman also co-founded an academic project to publish a transparentiIndex of trend trading returns ( and served on the advisory board for the Commodity Customer Coalition, which successfully represented customers in the wake of the MF Global collapse.
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