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Defend Your Investment Portfolio with Highly Liquid Alternative Assets Using Systematic Diversified Trend
Released on Thursday, April 21, 2022•ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS
In the wake of the Global Financial Crisis, Central Banks worked in concert, printing trillions of dollars and suppressing interest rates in order to push investors out the risk curve, warding off a deflationary spiral. Their efforts worked. For a dozen years volatility remained low, inflation (both ways) remain contained and stock indices thrived. As if you need any more convincing than the past 2 years offers, this has all changed. Now we have no idea what comes next, but we can say (backed by a large body of statistical evidence) is that trend trading strategies have proved useful in protecting a typical investor's portfolio of stocks and bonds during uncertain times.
We will quickly define what a trend is, and through our academic project to publish transparent CTA trend performance explain some of the methods used by large money managers. Finally, we will look at how long and short trend following exposure on a diversified portfolio of instruments may help you to meet your investment goals.
Nobody is going to watch your money the way you will. Learn these time-tested techniques to gain a better understanding of what CTAs do, and begin to think for yourself when it comes to investing your hard-earned money.
We will quickly define what a trend is, and through our academic project to publish transparent CTA trend performance explain some of the methods used by large money managers. Finally, we will look at how long and short trend following exposure on a diversified portfolio of instruments may help you to meet your investment goals.
Nobody is going to watch your money the way you will. Learn these time-tested techniques to gain a better understanding of what CTAs do, and begin to think for yourself when it comes to investing your hard-earned money.
Andrew Strasman
Totem Asset Group, LLC,
Andrew Strasman is the principal of Totem Asset Group, a commodity trading advisory firm based out of Evanston, IL. He co-founded a networking group of Chicago-area financial professionals ( which grew organically from four people to over 2,200. Mr. Strasman also co-founded an academic project to publish a transparentiIndex of trend trading returns ( and served on the advisory board for the Commodity Customer Coalition, which successfully represented customers in the wake of the MF Global collapse.
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