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Why Is the Rising Tide of Inflation Not Lifting Gold's Boat?
Released on Thursday, August 26, 2021•COMMODITIES
Recently, the cascading reports of surging inflation has confirmed many of our inflation forecasts. When bad inflation data emerges, gold doesn't rally. What gives? Most investors don't seem to have much interest in hard asset protection against the dollar weakness that increasing inflation should create. Investors believe that the Fed is hawkish on inflation and will soon deliver aggressive rate hikes that will hurt gold. Shockingly they don't seem to realize just how tightly the Fed's monetary straight jacket is tied. Since any move to meaningfully tighten monetary policy will crash the markets, all the Fed will do is talk. For now, the market listens. But their story is growing thinner by the moment. Peter Schiff will explain what the end game may look like.
Peter Schiff
Euro Pacific Asset Management,
Chief Global Strategist
Peter Schiff is one of the few widely known economists and investment professionals to have spoken about the financial crisis before it began. He is a widely followed opponent of debt-fueled growth policies and is known for his advocacy for emerging market and commodity-focused investments in countries with positive fiscal characteristics.
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