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The Stress-Free Way to Lose Money Trading

Released on Sunday, July 22, 2018OPTIONS
Facts: losses are a part of trading. Most people who attempt to become traders, fail. Almost everyone who wants to become a trader thinks first and foremost about how much money they can make. These are all facts. All successful traders have one thing in common, they know how to handle losses, and this is because they focus first and foremost on risk, not on profit. Based on a quote by famous trader Amos Hostetter who said, take care of your losses and the profits take care of themselves. This presentation by Dan Cook will focus on the key principles of risk management. By simply changing the way we view losses and look to them as learning opportunities, we can drastically improve our chances of success. The second part of this presentation will demonstrate a unique contract, designed for individual traders which incorporates into its structure many of the key concepts discussed. All attendees will also have access to a free, lifetime demo account to place practice trades at Nadex exchange.

Dan Cook
Nadex, Director of Business Development

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