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Forget the Fed, Focus on Company Cash Flow: How to Capture Intrinsic Value & Protect Against Intrinsic Risk

Released on Thursday, June 13, 2024ECONOMICS

Forget the Fed. That’s yesterday’s story. The next move will be down. Inflation rates will surprise on the downside. Structural flaws in the CPI overstate inflation. Spending growth will disappoint. COVID cash has now all been spent. Banks are closed to small business lending. Stock prices will more and more reflect company performance, not Fed policy. Investors need to understand intrinsic value, a company’s ability to generate growing, sustainable cash flow, and intrinsic risk, the factors that can shut off that cash flow. Bottom line: After 40 years of Fed-driven markets, investors need a new set of tools to identify and capture intrinsic value and monitor and control intrinsic risk. This talk will help investors master those tools. 

John Rutledge
Safanad, Chief Investment Strategist

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