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Tax Strategies to Protect Wealth from Pending Tax Reform: Spring Update
For more than 30 years, Cory Grant has developed his expertise in the design and implementation of advanced estate plans, wealth protection techniques, executive retention programs, and business succession strategies for families, privately held businesses, and non-profit organizations. He has been an active member of the California State Bar since 1994. Among Mr. Grant’s specialties is creating intuitive succession and retention plans for companies and families with investment real estate holdings. In addition, he is well known for his innovative planning approaches to complex family or entity structures. Mr. Grant’s holistic approach has led to increasing family office engagements in recent years. For many years, he has been acknowledged as one of the nation’s experts in life insurance advisory, consulting with life carriers on product design and pricing. Mr. Grant also advises non-profit organizations on executive retention strategies and methods to protect and grow charitable contributions.
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