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About Turner Capital Investments

Turner Capital is a trend-based portfolio manager that specializes in a unique process of market evaluation. The practice of measuring the market is essential if you are interested in growing and protecting your portfolio, and Turner Capital has developed a resilient process and science to accomplish this task. Our trend analysis determines when the market is either bullish, bearish, or neutral. Armed with this information our investment strategies stay aligned with all market trends, optimizing a balance between risk and reward. If you are tired of the traditional world of investments, come learn more about how we can help.

Turner Capital Investments's Articles

Sponsored Content - Let’s play a little game, says Mike Turner, president, Turner Capital Investments. I am going to show you four charts, and you have to guess which chart is being shown.
Sponsored Content - During an online presentation to a group of accredited investors, I made the following statement: This market is completely Fed-driven. It’s addicted to free money, $120 billion each month, hitting the market. Earnings don’t matter and the economy doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is what the Fed does, says Mike Turner, says Mike Turner, president, Turner Capital Investments.
Sponsored Content - There are a LOT of newsletter writers who are profiting off of fear, scare tactics, and outright lies, say Mike Turner, says Mike Turner, president, Turner Capital Investments.
Sponsored Content - Everyone wants to know when this current bull market will end…well “most” everyone, says Mike Turner, president, Turner Capital Investments.

Turner Capital Investments's Videos

From time to time, throughout history, a breakthrough occurs. Sometimes that breakthrough is in medicine; sometimes in science; sometimes in technology; and, on rare occasions a breakthrough occurs in the world of finance.  About two years ago, we discovered an amazing fact in the world of buying and selling equities on the public market. This fact recognizes that current technology permits us to make trading decisions based 100% on observing the current Market Consensus which tells us what the market is thinking and where the market is headed.  Market Consensus processes vast amounts of information—such as economic data, company performance, geopolitical events, and investor sentiment—resulting in stock prices that reflect the collective assessment of all available information at any given time.

Our breakthrough technology is encapsulated in how to capitalize on this collective wisdom of the market. I will show you how this breakthrough works and how it totally revolutionizes the timing of when to be in the market and how to be in or out of the market, with no guessing; no hoping; no buy-and-hold; no magic; no tricks. This breakthrough is truly a paradigm shift in how to make money in the stock market. This is a must-attend session that just might change your financial life for the better...in a big way! 

Investing in the market is a difficult and time-consuming process, especially in today’s age. The typical buy-and-hold strategy relies on the current stock market bubble to expand eternally…leaving the individual investor with two choices: Weather the storm when the bear market comes or find a better way to invest. In this session, Alex Goodwin will provide you with a strategy that has the potential to generate massive returns in BOTH bull and bear markets while only trading broad market ETFs. Join this presentation to learn how Turner Capital can help your portfolio generate outstanding returns with significantly less risk than the market. 

Far too many investors think, wrongly, that the only way to generate serious profits in the stock market is to properly position capital to take advantage of the future, be it AI or Trump or Biden or unsustainable national debt or EVs. But, most investors are more adept at losing serious money in the stock market than making consistent profits.

Everyone wants to beat the S&P 500 and avoid bear market losses. I will show you how a rules-based methodology generates well over 20% per year, has never had a losing year, only buys/sells the two major indexes, and makes no more than three or four trades per year. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It is not voodoo magic or options or futures. It is simply buying and selling the S&P 500 ETF and the Nasdaq 100 ETF at the right time. If you are willing to think outside the box, you cannot afford to miss this session!  Oh… and wait until you see how bear markets are handled with inverse index ETFs! 

The whole universe of financial advisors, analysts, pundits, professionals, and individual investors spend enormous amounts of time and money researching what is likely to happen in individual stocks, sectors, industries, and countries in the future.  That, my friend, is a total and complete waste of time!  They look at charts, geopolitics, products in the pipeline, fundamentals, boards, CEOs, and everything imaginable to help them make better decisions about how best to put money to work in the stock market.  Unfortunately, in 100% of the cases, the future of the stock market remains totally unpredictable. Sometimes they guess right.  Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn from time to time.  There is a much better way. Attend this session and learn how to invest in the stock market without having to guess what the market is going to do in the future or where it is headed.  See and hear how this methodology generally makes less than one trade per year, uses only two indexes, has no options, and creates a mountain of profit.  You cannot afford to miss this demonstration of the breakthrough trading methodology of the century! 


To understand what makes Turner Capital different, it is worthwhile to know what is common among most investment advisors and money managers. You may have some personal experience with these types of advisors.
Trading decisions for all of our portfolios are made by Mike Turner, Turner Capital Investments President and Chief Trading Strategist. Each strategy utilizes our proprietary market and equity analysis algorithms, but each strategy has unique elements that impact the capital and risk objectives.

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Income, Growth, & Value

September 17 - 19, 2024