About Boris
Boris Schlossberg is co-founder of BKForex LLC. In 2005, he joined FXCM as senior currency strategist and provided fundamental and technical analysis to the company's global network of individual and institutional customers, as well as financial media outlets. In 2007, he joined Global Futures & Forex Ltd., as director of currency research. There, Mr. Schlossberg provided research and analysis to clients and managed a global foreign exchange analysis team with Kathy Lien. He is a weekly contributor to CNBC's Squawk Box. Mr. Schlossberg daily currency research is widely quoted in Reuters, Dow Jones, and Agence France Presse newswires and appears in numerous newspapers worldwide. He has written for SFO magazine, Active Trader, and Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities. Mr. Schlossberg is the author of Technical Analysis of the Currency Market and Millionaire Traders: How Everyday People Beat Wall Street at Its Own Game, both of which are published by Wiley.
Boris's Articles
There are, I think, two basic ways that most trades go sideways. The first is something that all of us do, pretty much daily—deviation from our setup, explains Boris Schlossberg of BK Asset Management.
Expert currency market trader and strategist, Boris Schlossberg of, argues that Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell’s bark may be worse than his bite. He thinks the Fed will NOT revert to large interest rate hikes due to political, economic, and other reasons. He also discusses the differing currency and policy dynamics in the US, Europe, and Japan...the message of the Treasury yield curve...the “muddle through” economy...and how those forces will impact markets and investors in 2023.
Meme stocks are the investing phenomenon of the pandemic creating parabolic moves in a handful of equities while making fabulous profits for early buyers, explains Boris Schlossberg of BK Asset Management.
It’s difficult to provide the answer using traditional valuation metrics because Bitcoin (BTC) does not generate any streams of income and is therefore impossible to value on a discounted cash flow basis, states Boris Schlossberg of BK Asset Management.
Boris's Videos
Kathy Lien and Boris Schlossberg discuss the recent spike in volatility in the foreign exchange sector.
Borris breaks down some key factors to consider when getting involved in the forex market.
Boris Schlossberg discusses the activist central banks and the forex markets. There is $13 trillion in sovereign debt that is at negative rates, wh
Boris Schlossberg of BK Asset Management discusses the impact of a strong dollar on global markets.
Boris's Books
Boris Schlossberg
Technical Analysis of the Currency Market: Classic Techniques for Profiting from Market Swings and Trader Sentiment
Schlossberg lays out the basics in using technical analysis to trade foreign currencies, from the fundamentals of how the FX market works to the variety of technical strategies and trade management techniques traders can employ. Along the way, he offers entertaining examples and observations as well as simple, easy-to-read charts and diagrams. Anyone interested in getting started in the hugely popular FX market would do well to begin with this b
Boris Schlossberg
Millionaire Traders: How Everyday People Are Beating Wall Street at Its Own Game
Through interviews with twelve ordinary individuals who have worked hard to transform themselves into extraordinary traders, Millionaire Traders reveals how you can beat Wall Street at its own game. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, this book introduces you to a dozen successful traders-some who focus on equities, others who deal in futures or foreign exchange-and examines the paths they've taken to capture considerable profits.