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Mike Larson



  • Editor Safe Money Report and Weekend Windfalls at Weiss Ratings
  • Specializes in Income-Focused Stock & Options Strategies
  • Popular Media Guest/Speaker

About Mike

Mike Larson serves as vice president and editor-in-chief at MoneyShow, overseeing all aspects of its investor education efforts and conferences and planning the firm's content operations. Before joining MoneyShow, he was a senior editor and analyst at Weiss Ratings. Mr. Larson produced the company's Safe Money Report, Weekend Windfalls, and Heat Maps newsletters, while also writing, editing, and trading several other past products. His areas of expertise as an analyst include domestic and global interest rates, commercial and residential real estate, and central bank policy.

Mike's Articles

Brien Lundin is executive editor of Gold Newsletter. Omar Ayales is editor of Gold Charts R Us. In this special, double-length MoneyShow MoneyMasters Podcast episode, which you can watch here, I sit down with both of them to discuss the “Golden Era” we’re seeing in precious metals – and how investors like you can profit.
The bulls were on parade yesterday, with aggressive buying helping the S&P 500 close above 5,500 for the first time and the Nasdaq Composite Index top 18,000. The Dow Industrials lagged a bit, but still finished in the green.
Markets are mostly in wait-and-see mode ahead of key jobs data. Stocks are modestly weaker along with gold and silver. Crude oil is higher along with Treasuries, while the dollar is flat.
It’s official: The first half of 2024 is over...and the second half is getting underway. That makes now a GREAT time to look back at which assets are winning the performance race...which are bringing up the rear...and which are stuck somewhere in between.

Mike's Videos

Venturing into the alternative and private investing markets requires broadening your horizons beyond traditional investments. But the rewards for stepping out of your comfort zone can include greater profit and income potential, as well as better diversification. Hear from this panel of top event sponsors about the alternatives their firms offer—and how they can help enhance your returns. 

Venturing into the alternative and private investing markets requires broadening your horizons beyond traditional investments. But the rewards for stepping out of your comfort zone can include greater profit and income potential, as well as better diversification. Hear from this panel of top event sponsors about the alternatives their firms offer—and how they can help enhance your returns. 

It's an exciting time for commodities and the companies exploring and producing them! Many are surging in value, while other up-and-comers appear poised to do so next. Find out from this trio of natural resource companies in the uranium, copper/gold, and lithium sectors what business looks like. Then, learn about the unique profit opportunities each offers investors in the rest of 2024 and beyond. 

Some investors seek to align their investing portfolios with their personal values. But can investors do that without sacrificing potential returns? In this interview segment, you’ll learn about one firm and ETF that believes it has a solution for politically conservative individuals. Be sure to tune in!

Newsletter Contributions

Safe Money Report

A comprehensive Monthly Market Overview. Full of detailed, hard-hitting analysis about what is driving the stock market overall, and dividend-paying investments.

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Weekend Windfalls

Weekend Windfalls is thei new premium trading service dedicated to generating instant-cash payouts nearly every Friday.

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