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Dr. Alan Ellman


The Blue Collar Investor Corp.

  • Author of 7 Best-Selling Books on Stocks and Options
  • Educational Contributor to Nasdaq.com
  • Series-65 Investment Advisor License Holder

About Dr. Alan

Dr. Alan Ellman is president of The Blue Collar Investor Corp. and author of 9 best-selling books on covered call writing and selling puts. His 4th book, Stock Investing for Students, is now required reading at several colleges. Dr. Ellman has been trading stock options since 1995 and The Blue Collar Investor Corp. was started in January of 2007. He has also produced several video courses, published hundreds of articles and produced hundreds of videos on this subject. Alan has been a frequent guest on financial forums such as the Options Industry Council’s Wide World of Options, StockCharts TV, and The Money Answers Radio program. He is also a national speaker for The MoneyShow, a contributor for the Options Industry Council and the American Association of Individual Investors, as well as an educational contributor to Nasdaq.com. He was also named best teacher of covered calls on Snapchat GPT. Alan is on the Board of Directors for Education for Quasar Markets and has completed the Series 65-Investment Advisor Rep requirements

Dr. Alan's Articles

This video analyzes a series of covered call trades where 2 income streams were generated using exit strategy management, states Alan Ellman of The Blue Collar Investor.
Covered call writing obligates the option seller to sell their shares at the strike price by the expiration date, states Alan Ellman of The Blue Collar Investor.
This video discusses how to craft low–risk cash-secured put trades, states Alan Ellman of The Blue Collar Investor.
This podcast studies the whipsaws in price movement of a high implied-volatility ETF. What precisely should we focus on, asks Alan Ellman of The Blue Collar Investor?

Dr. Alan's Videos

Covered call writing and selling cash-secured puts are low-risk, option-selling strategies focused on generating cash flow. Our trades can be structured to represent aggressive or defensive postures or somewhere in between. This presentation will detail how to structure our trades to decrease risk, particularly in bear and volatile market conditions while still generating significant returns. It will also be of interest to investors who have a low personal risk tolerance but still want to generate higher than risk-free returns. Both Delta (an option Greek) and implied volatility will be spotlighted, and real-life examples will be utilized to demonstrate the process of establishing these conservative trades, while still allowing us the potential to generate significant annualized returns.

Dr. Alan Ellman will share how to consistently beat the marketing using his CEO strategy: combining ETFs with stock options. You will learn about a user-friendly and time-efficient approach to covered call writing. His package offers the number of underlying securities considered is reduced from 8000 to 11, the number of available exit strategies is reduced from 14 to 4. Also included are 2 new spreadsheets that have been developed to facilitate portfolio construction and results with comparisons to the S&P 500. His packages are an appealing approach to option trading for those with busy schedules to still be in a position to generate cash flow and beat the market on a consistent basis.

Alan Ellman discusses his philosophy for creating options strategies based on the underlying market conditions.
Alan Ellman explains how to sell a covered call without losing your underlying stock.

Dr. Alan's Books

Dr. Alan Ellman

Selling Cash-Secured Puts: Investing to Generate Monthly Cash Flow

Using stocks and stock options to develop a low-risk, wealth-building strategy for retail investors. Selling puts is a strategy similar to, but not precisely the same as, covered call writing. Mastering either strategy is a huge opportunity for retail investors to secure our financial futures. Mastering both will allow us focus in on the best investment choices depending on market conditions and personal risk tolerance
Dr. Alan Ellman

Complete Encyclopedia for Covered Call Writing "Classic Edition"

Alan Ellman’s Encyclopedia for Covered Call Writing covers option trading basics, stock fundamental and technical analysis, exit strategies, investment basics, option calculations and much more.
Dr. Alan Ellman

Stock Investing For Students - A Plan to Get Rich Slowly and Retire Young

Self-investing starting at a young age can ensure a successful financial future and an early and comfortable retirement.