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Pamela Aden


The Aden Forecast

  • Influential & Renowned Investment Analyst
  • In TV Documentary, Women of the World
  • Expert on Metals, Currencies, Stocks, & Bonds

About Pamela

Pamela, along with her sister Mary Anne Aden, are two of the most influential and well-known investment analysts, writers, and lecturers in the world. They are co-editors and publishers of The Aden Forecast, a monthly investment newsletter now in its 40th year, famed for its precise forecasts of the precious metals markets, as well as the US and global equity markets, interest rates, bonds, forex, and the global economy. They also publish Gold Charts R Us, a weekly trading service in its 20th year. The Aden's have been featured in publications such as Business Week, Smart Money, Barron's, and Forbes. A few years ago, The Aden Forecast was named Letter of the Year by MarketWatch.

Pamela's Videos

Join Pamela Aden, the co-editor of The Aden Forecast for an overview of the big picture that is very telling about gold, silver, and other resources.


At MoneyShow Las Vegas, Pamela Aden lists top worries: Trump, economy, US debt, Fed, dollar, global markets. "Last year was a turnaround year for metals and gold. We like gold, silver, miners."
Pamela Aden, Co-Editor and Publisher with her sister Mary Anne of The Aden Forecast, reflects on over 36 years with this industry standard.