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Greg McCoach


The Mining Speculator

  • Founder and CEO of
  • Author of The Mining Speculator
  • Student of History and Entrepreneur

About Greg

Greg McCoach is an ardent student of history and entrepreneur who has successfully started and run multiple businesses over the past 35 years. During the last 18 of those years, he has written his widely followed newsletter, The Mining Speculator, in search of exponential gains within the junior mining sector. Mr. McCoach is also founder and CEO of, a bullion dealer in its 19th year. He has appeared on national news channels and is a popular speaker at both private and public conferences related to precious metals and mining shares.

Greg's Videos

Greg McCoach explains why investors need to understand what the Great Reset is and how it will affect your investments. This is a critical time for all investors as the Fed is powerless to stop inflation and will now cause a major recession. Given these circumstances, how should one invest?
In this talk, Greg will not only talk about why Gold and Silver are going higher, but the implications on society and the world as a whole when it does. In addition, Greg gives keen insights into the issues facing the world and why revolution/war, unfortunately, looks inevitable.
Join Greg McCoach to discover seven compelling reasons why the Fed can't stop a rise in the gold price.

Greg McCoach, editor of The Mining Speculator, talks about how to trade the precious metals markets including the mining shares. His advice? Buy the dips and sell the rallies.

Newsletter Contributions

The Mining Speculator

Greg's Mining Speculator has been a great value to investors over the last 17 years and is your best bet for financial security in these troubling times. Without question, the best opportunities for investors to protect themselves against the coming financial reckoning are with precious metals and mining stocks.

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January 28 - 29, 2025