Jeff Corrado
Director of Operations,
Volos Portfolio Solutions
About Jeff
Jeff Corrado is director of operations at Volos Portfolio Solutions, a software and index provider specializing in systematic options strategies. Prior to joining Volos in 2018 (an investor and board member since 2015), Mr. Corrado began his career in U.S. Small Cap equity research and sales at Furey Research Partners. He is passionate about the growing value of alternative data in investments and works with a number of start-ups as an investor and advisor focused around this initiative. Mr. Corrado received his undergraduate degree from University of Southern California and his MBA from Babson College.
Jeff's Videos
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has commanded the market's attention with technology stocks leading the pack in 2023. Can you use emergent technology to potentially make better decisions in capital markets? Will there be AI Fatigue? Join Nasdaq's Kevin Davitt and Volos' Jeff Corrado for a conversation about AI software and option-based portfolio management.