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Daniel Montano


Zhittya Genesis Medicine, Inc.

  • CEO at Zhittya Genesis Medicine Inc.
  • Dedicated to Advance Biotechnology Breakthroughs
  • 30 Years Financial Industry Expertise

About Daniel

Dan Montano started at the Los Angeles Stock Exchange in 1968 as a floor broker. Over the next 30 years, he managed thousands of stockbrokers as CEO of several securities firms. As an investment banker, Mr. Montano handled the IPO's of over 100 companies from 1968 until 1998. During that time, he also assisted in starting almost 100 new companies to advance new technologies. In 1998, Mr. Montano left investment banking and dedicated himself to advance biotechnology breakthroughs. Presently, he is CEO of Zhittya Genesis Medicine Inc., a bio-pharmaceutical company developing drug treatments for heart disease, strokes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, and more.