Edward Gilliard
Chief Financial Officer,
American Infrastructure Group, Inc.
About Edward
Edward Gilliard has over 40 years of diverse experience in engineering, finance, strategic planning, and government affairs, in both the domestic and international arenas. He has been involved with negotiating and closing over $3 billion of complex transactions internationally and in the US. Mr. Gilliard has a superior record of accomplishments at major companies like Baker Hughes, BPZ Energy, Burlington Resources, Banque Indosuez, Houston Industries, Continental Bank, and Amoco, among others. He is very experienced in negotiating complex transactions and building consensus with diverse groups, in English and Spanish.
Edward's Videos
Artificial intelligence is changing the world in numerous industries. Find out in this session how AI is at the onset of disrupting civil and critical infrastructure like never before. American Infrastructure Group's proprietary technology algorithms can process data analytics in a matter of hours versus weeks or months. US Infrastructure spending will reach $396 Billion (Annually) by 2022 where the majority of processes are still done manually. This comes ahead of the potential $1+ Trillion spending bill from Washington.