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Lara Crigger



  • Managing Editor, ETF Trends and ETF Database

About Lara

Lara Crigger is editor-in-chief for VettaFi. In this role, she oversees content strategy and direction across the platform, while helping develop new properties and opportunities to help strengthen the company's position as the leading resource for ETF and advisor data. She joined VettaFi's previous incarnation, ETF Trends, in 2021 as its managing editor, where she led the newsroom's coverage of trends, industry news, and market commentary. Prior to joining the company, Ms. Crigger was a journalist covering the ETF markets and financial industry for over fifteen years.

Lara's Videos

Agricultural commodities ETFs have exploded in popularity in 2022, but is there room for these funds to rise even further? Join VettaFi's Lara Crigger for an in-depth discussion about the outlook for agricultural commodities ETFs for the rest of the year.
We have entered a new market regime characterized by high volatility, inflation, and uncertainty, in which investors are seeking more nimble investment tools. Join Jay Jacobs, US Head of Thematics and Active Equity ETFs at BlackRock, for a discussion about thematic investment opportunities that may provide resilience and long-term structural growth. Jay will dive into how investors can capture transformational themes-ranging from clean energy to AgTech and food innovation to infrastructure-and position their portfolios amidst uncertainty.

Achieving true portfolio diversification isn't always easy when markets move in lockstep. Alternative asset classes, like natural resources and cryptocurrencies, can help you zig when the market zags and keep you on track with your long-term investment goals. Join ETF Trends' managing editor, Lara Crigger, for a tour of today's leading alternative asset classes, as well as ways investors can access each using ETFs.
Investors are increasingly seeking funds that are not only attractively priced, but that also are connected to companies favorably impacting the environment, broader society, and a company's employees. To meet the demand, a growing supply of ETFs are seeking to provide diversified exposure to such companies that meet ESG criteria, making it important to look inside the portfolio and not just at its name or costs. In this webinar, industry experts will discuss the sustainable, responsible, and impact investing landscape and the tools investors can use to build exposure to this rapidly growing theme.
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Income, Growth, & Value

September 17 - 19, 2024