About Steven
Steven Hochberg is the chief market analyst for Elliott Wave International and a close associate of Robert Prechter. He is recognized as one of the world's foremost experts on the Wave Principle and its application to market forecasting.
Steven's Articles
As The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast (EWFF) explained in November 2023, recent market action is “simply what happens at the biggest tops. Technology breaks through in some fundamental way, only to yield to a future that is the opposite of the boom that participants cannot stop anticipating.” The state of the electric car industry is a cautionary tale that Artificial Intelligence (AI) backers might want to heed, writes Steven Hochberg, chief market analyst at Elliott Wave Trader.
It's official...the market for initial public offerings is as hot as it's been since the mania, states Steven Hochberg of Elliott Wave International.
Steven's Videos
Elliott Wave International’s unique analytical approach will help you identify potential pitfalls and profit opportunities in the markets.
At MoneyShow Dallas, Steve Hochberg: People read news wrongly, for what it says but not for what it means: people are optimistic to an extreme. You're may be closer to the end of the trend.
At MoneyShow, Steve Hochberg: how Elliott Wave developed in the 1930s by accountant RN Elliott into the trading standard today. He tells interviewer Landon Whaley about reconizable patterns.
MoneyShow Las Vegas, Steve Hochberg: what is an Elliott Wave, how R.N. Elliott developed the legendary market concept and where are we in it right now?
Newsletter Contributions
Financial Forecast
At the start of every month, Financial Forecast gives you the longer-term view of U.S. stock indexes, bonds, gold, silver and the U.S. dollar as well as investor sentiment, the economy and our ever-popular Cultural Trends section.
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