About Harry
Harry Domash publishes, a site specializing in high-dividend investing, and, a free site featuring how to investing tutorials and many other features on being a better investor. He is best known for his investing columns that have appeared regularly in publications such as Business 2.0 Magazine, the San Francisco Chronicle, and financial Web sites such as MSN Money and Morningstar. Mr. Domash is also the author of the bestselling fundamental analysis book, Fire Your Stock Analyst, published by Prentice Hall, which has been translated into Japanese and Chinese.
Harry's Articles
There's one relatively overlooked common stock category with positive year-to-date returns and double-digit dividend yields. I'm talking about Business Development Companies, or BDCs, explains Harry Domash, income specialist and editor of Dividend Detective.
The market has been weak lately and nobody is predicting a turnaround anytime soon. What to do? Here are four of the best ETFs for this market environment, suggests Harry Domash, income specialist and editor Dividend Detective.
Like many other energy stocks, 2022 was a good year for Baker Hughes (BKR); as of December 13, including dividends, its shares returned 24% year-to-date vs. the S&P 500’s 16% loss, asserts Harry Domash, income specialist and editor of Dividend Detective.
The term “alternative assets” applies to non-publicly traded assets such as privately-held companies, venture capital, real estate and commodities, explains Harry Domash, income specialist and editor of Dividend Detective.
Harry's Videos
Harry Domash, publisher of DividendDetective and Winning Investing, provides a mid-year update on his top stock pick for 2017.