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Shawn Bartholomae



  • Strategist

About Shawn

Shawn Bartholomae has been in the oil and gas business for over 30 years and as CEO directs Pro AK LLC, an independent oil and gas company. He specializes in acquiring overriding royalties directly related to onshore and offshore leases with reserves in excess of 300 Million barrels of oil. His strategies are designed to accommodate the present market conditions and effectively maximize returns while minimizing risk and providing monthly income.

Shawn's Articles

Sponsored content - During the early to mid-2000’s, Alaska was experiencing a shortage of natural gas that was desperately needed to generate power and heat the homes of its residents. The shortage was serious enough to cause rolling brownouts. 
Sponsored content - Furie shot an extensive 3D shoot over the entire 83,000-acre Kitchen Lights Unit. The seismic was correlated with existing well logs to gain a comprehensive look at the subsurface geology.
Sponsored content - Furie drilled the KLU#4 in the north block to 10,000’ but had to temporarily abandon it because the Cook Inlet started freezing up.
Sponsored Content - Furie installed the first platform in the Cook Inlet in over 20 years and became the newest gas producer in the Inlet. 

Shawn's Videos

The Northern Lights Royalties Acquisition consists of overriding royalty interests (ORRI) associated with over 15,000 contiguous acres of oil and gas leases, offshore, in the Cook Inlet of Alaska. This is all backed by a 3rd Party Reserve Evaluation authored by William Cobb and Assoc., a world-renowned engineering firm. The Reserve estimates calculate in the hundreds of millions of barrels of oil. The development and infrastructure are presently underway.