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Jason Leavitt

Founder, Head of Research,

Leavitt Brothers, LLC

  • Full-Time, Independent Trader Since 2002
  • Head of Research, LeavittBrothers.com
  • Creator of the Masterclass in Trading (January 2021 launch)

About Jason

Jason Leavitt is the co-founder and head of research at LeavittBrothers.com, a boutique research firm that provides market analysis and trading ideas to the financial community. He is also the creator of the Masterclass in Trading course at Teachable.com. With a delicate blend of quant studies and discretionary analysis, Mr. Leavitt specializes in trading equities, using momentum (The Trend Is Your Friend) and sector rotation (There's a Bull Market Somewhere). He has a BS in civil engineering from Illinois and an MS in engineering from Texas.

Jason's Videos

For various reasons, trading is hard, but it can be made easier and simpler if you focus on doing one thing very well. This talk will be personal. Jason Leavitt will show you exactly how he operates in the market—the charts, the indicators, the time frames. There’s sure to be a nugget or two you can use.  

Instead of zooming in and talking about the here and now, I'm going to back up and see the big picture. I'll investigate historical cycles and the technologies that formed them. I'll talk about historical tendencies. And then I'll wrap it all together to see where the current market fits.

Buying stocks off depressed levels or stocks that are simply pulling back within uptrends, offers traders favorable risk/reward ratios and high-probability setups. A simple move back to levels seen in the week or two prior to the low often equates to 10-20%. In this talk, Jason Leavitt will discuss several methods of playing bottoming patterns-on daily charts and intraday charts. Mastering just one of these can change your trading life.
The heart and soul of any trader's operations is their trading strategy. Luckily, you only need one good one—one strategy that works, that jives with your personality, and that you can execute. In this talk Jason Leavitt will present a handful of trading strategies. Get good at one of them, and you'll be set.