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Perry Kaufman


Trading Systems and Methods

  • President at
  • Author of Trading Systems and Methods
  • Contributor for Seeking Alpha

About Perry

Perry Kaufman is a financial engineer specializing in algorithmic trading. He is best known for his book, Trading Systems and Methods, Sixth Edition, and recently published Kaufman Constructs Trading Systems. Mr. Kaufman has a broad background in equities and commodities, global macro trading, and risk management. He can be reached through his website

Perry's Videos

For traders looking for a clever mean-reverting strategy, Lagged Trends will be tempting. Introduced years ago, in MarketSci blog, Lagged Trends takes advantage of the way trends are calculated, some faster, some slower, using the same time periods. Perry Kaufman shows how it works and which markets to trade.

Perry's Books

Perry Kaufman

Trading Systems and Methods

Professional and individual traders haverelied on&nbsp;Trading Systems and Methods&nbsp;<span style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #0f1111; font-family: 'Amazon Ember', Arial, sans-serif; font-s