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Tammy Marshall

Technical Analyst,


  • Member of Simpler Trading's Fibonacci room
  • Graduate of Georgia Southern University
  • Graduate of Georgia Southern University

About Tammy

Tammy Marshall began her career as a school teacher after she graduated from Georgia Southern University and, as luck would have it, she met and fell in love with her now husband, who immediately piqued her interest in trading in 2010. Through Mr. Marshall's affiliation with Simpler Trading, Ms. Marshall then met Carolyn Boroden and that was when it all began to click. Fast forward to today, she co-hosts the Fibonacci Markets and Stocks service at ElliottWaveTrader.net with Ms. Boroden. Ms. Marshall, aka the Fibonacci Princess, applies her talents as a teacher and her knowledge of psychology to teach members how to trade more accurately and effectively using specific entries and exits.

Tammy's Videos

 Tammy Marshall, the “Fibonacci Princess” will go over Fibonacci numbers, their relationship to the market, and how to use them as part of your trading plan.  

Carolyn Boroden and Tammy Marshall will share how they use the Fibonacci ratios on both the time and price axis of the market to identify key support and resistance decisions on the charts. These decisions are considered relatively low-risk, high-probability trade setups. Risk can also be refined even further by using stock options for these trade setups.