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Laine Schoneberger

Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer,

Yrefy, LLC

  • Managing Partner & Chief Investment Officer at Yrefy, LLC
  • 25 Years Experience in Financial Services

About Laine

Laine Schoneberger has raised over $22 million, so far, in investment capital through several Regulation D private placement offers for Yrefy. His 25-year career in financial services allowed him and his team to innovate a flagship financial product, revolutionizing income planning for investment advisors and income seeking clients.

Laine's Videos

Yrefy (why refi) refinances distressed private student loans with it's unique, proprietary, and highly successful program. As the sole company addressing this $21 billion market, they are pleased to offer their fourth Portfolio—Yrefy SLP4, LLC, a secured and collateralized Reg D 506(c) portfolio for Accredited Investors.

Join Yrefy's Chief Investment Officer & Managing Partner, Laine Schoneberger, for a discussion on how their portfolio gives maximum flexibility to investors through a five-rung ladder structure:

  • Investors can place their investment in any, or each of the one, two-, three-, four-, or five-year terms, with increased fixed-interest rates for each successive year.
  • Investors can choose to compound or take income&mdashselected monthly and independently for each ladder tranche.
  • Powerfully, investors can keep flexibility in shorter terms, but then roll forward at a term's maturity— with full credit for time vested.

SLP4 does it all! High-fixed rates, extremely flexible and friendly compounding, or income, and roll forward credit at maturity.

Yrefy (why refi) refinances distressed private student loans with it's unique, proprietary, and highly successful program. As the sole company addressing this $21 billion market, they are pleased to offer their fourth Portfolio—Yrefy SLP4, LLC, a secured and collateralized Reg D 506(c) portfolio for Accredited Investors.

Join Yrefy's managing partner and chief investment officer, Laine Schoneberger, for a discussion on how SLP4 gives maximum flexibility to investors through a five-rung ladder structure:

  • Investors can place their investment in any, or each of the one, two-, three-, four-, or five-year terms, with increased fixed-interest rates for each successive year.
  • Investors can choose to compound or take income—selected monthly and independently for each ladder tranche.
  • Powerfully, investors can keep flexibility in shorter terms, but then roll forward at a term's maturity—with full-surrender credit for time vested.

SLP4 does it all! High-fixed rates, extremely flexible and friendly compounding, or income, and roll forward credit at maturity.

Yrefy (why refi) refinances distressed private student loans with it's unique, proprietary, and highly successful program. As the sole company addressing this $21 billion market, they are pleased to offer their fourth Portfolio—Yrefy SLP4, LLC, a secured and collateralized Reg D 506(c) portfolio for Accredited Investors.

Join Yrefy's managing partner and chief investment officer, Laine Schoneberger, for a discussion on how SLP4 gives maximum flexibility to investors through a five-rung ladder structure:

  • Investors can place their investment in any, or each of the one, two-, three-, four-, or five-year terms, with increased fixed-interest rates for each successive year.
  • Investors can choose to compound or take income—selected monthly and independently for each ladder tranche.
  • Powerfully, investors can keep flexibility in shorter terms, but then roll forward at a term's maturity—with full-surrender credit for time vested.

SLP4 does it all! High-fixed rates, extremely flexible and friendly compounding, or income, and roll forward credit at maturity.

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Income, Growth, & Value

September 17 - 19, 2024