Dr. Martin D. Weiss photo


Dr. Martin D. Weiss


Weiss Ratings

  • Founder of Weiss Ratings
  • Best-Selling Author of Multiple Books Including "The Ultimate Money Survival Guide"
  • Widely Quoted thanks to his Strict Independence and Objectivity

About Dr. Martin D.

Dr. Martin D. Weiss is the founder of Weiss Ratings, the nation's leading provider of 100% independent grades on stocks, mutual funds, and financial institutions, as well as the world's only ratings agency that grades cryptocurrencies. He founded his company in 1971, and thanks largely to his strict independence, has established a 50-year record of accuracy that is often the envy of competitors. Forbes called him "Mr. Independence." The US Government Accountability Office reported that the Weiss insurance company ratings outperformed those of his closest competitors by a factor of three-to-one.

Dr. Martin D.'s Articles

I’m a fan of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups; indeed, the brand must be doing something right because it generates more than $2 billion in annual sales and is consistently the top-selling candy in the United States, notes Kelly Green in Martin Weiss' advisory service, Weiss Ratings Daily.
Robots are here and they are only going to continue to become more popular., explains Kelley Green, contributing editor to Weiss Ratings Daily, an advisory service from investing expert Martin Weiss.

Dr. Martin D.'s Videos

What are the best performing cryptos? Hint it is not Bitcoin. In fact, an investment in the top 5rated cryptos by Weiss Crypto ratings since 2017

Martin Weiss explains how his firm rates cryptocurrencies for value, risk, robustness and performance.

Dr. Martin D.'s Books

Dr. Martin D. Weiss

The Ultimate Money Guide for Bubbles, Busts, Recession and Depression

Having an effective financial plan has always been important; today, it's crucial. In The Ultimate Money Guide for Bubbles, Busts, Recession, and Depression—the updated and revised edition of the bestseller, The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide—author Martin D. Weiss shows readers how to create a safe and effective financial plan for today's unpredictable economic environment.
Dr. Martin D. Weiss

The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide: Protect Your Savings, Boost Your Income, and Grow Wealthy Even in the Worst of Times

Having an effective financial and personal plan for the future is now more crucial than ever. And with the bestselling The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide you'll quickly learn how to create such a plan. This comprehensive guide was especially designed to help people map out a practical financial plan in this unpredictable economic environment, so that they can stop worrying about their money and just enjoy life.