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Jon Najarian


Market Rebellion, LLC

  • Options Expert & Pioneer, Regular on CNBC
  • Developer of Patented Trading Apps & Algorithms
  • Author of Four Books, Latest Titled Follow The Smart Money

About Jon

Jon Najarian was a professional football player before becoming a trader, venture capitalist, television star, and fintech visionary. Mr. Najarian played for the Chicago Bears before becoming a trader and, eventually, a board member of the Chicago Board Options Exchange. He sold Mercury Trading, his prop trading and specialist firm to Citadel in 2004. Mr. Najarian and his brother, Pete, then built Trademonster into a financial giant, selling that firm to E*Trade for $750M in 2016. They've since built Market Rebellion into an educational and subscription business that has educated over 300,000 investors since 2017. Jon Najarian has earned a reputation in the industry as an options trading expert and pioneer. He developed and patented trading applications and algorithms used to identify unusual activity in stock, options, and futures markets. Mr. Najarian can be seen weekly on Fox Business and Market Rebellion's exclusive, regularly scheduled shows on Market Rebellion TV.

Jon's Videos

Markets have been at the mercy of The Fed for more than a year now. Despite the most accelerated rate hike cycle in history -- and many signs of significant stress on the American consumer -- the bulls have been in charge so far this year. Market Masters Jon Najarian and Marc X. LoPresti will discuss (and debate) what the Fed will do next, and how investors can profit from the inevitable market volatility that will follow.

There is a time to be patient and a time traders need to be aggressive--no one knows how to distinguish the two environments.
Jon Najarian breaks down the recent negotiations between Great Britain and the European Union.
Jon Najarian discusses slowing growth in China and how it will impact US-China trade negotiations and  the chances of a trade deal

Jon's Books

Jon Najarian

Follow The Smart Money - Unusual Option Activity - #1 Way We Choose Our Trades

Jon Najarian

How We Trade Options Building Wealth, Creating Income and Reducing Risk

Jon Najarian

How I Trade Options

When Jon Najarian embarked on a career in the world of market making, he went from playing with the Bears to running with the bulls. In this chronicle of his trading evolution, the former middle linebacker for the Chicago Bears focuses on the key ingredient for his market success-learning to control risk.