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Steve Forbes

Chairman and Editor-in-Chief,

Forbes Media

  • Candidate in 1996 & 2000 Republican Presidential Primaries
  • Co-Creator of TV Documentary, In Money We Trust?
  • Four-Time Winner of Highly Prestigious Crystal Owl Award

About Steve

Steve Forbes is chairman and editor-in-chief of Forbes Media. His newest project is the podcast "What's Ahead," where he engages the world's top newsmakers, politicians, and pioneers in business and economics in honest conversations meant to challenge traditional conventions as well as featuring his signature views on the intersection of society, economy, and policy. Mr. Forbes helped create the highly acclaimed public television documentary, In Money We Trust?, which was produced under the auspices of Maryland Public television. The film was inspired by the book he co-authored, Money: How the Destruction of the Dollar Threatens the Global Economy - and What We Can Do About It. His latest book is Inflation: What It Is, Why It's Bad, and How to Fix It, co-authored by Elizabeth Ames and Nathan Lewis. Mr. Forbes writes editorials for each issue of Forbes under the heading of "Fact and Comment." A widely respected economic prognosticator, he is the only writer to have won the highly prestigious Crystal Owl Award four times. The prize was formerly given by US Steel Corporation to the financial journalist whose economic forecasts for the coming year proved most accurate. In both 1996 and 2000, Mr. Forbes campaigned vigorously for the Republican nomination for the Presidency. Key to his platform were a flat tax, medical savings accounts, a new Social Security system for working Americans, parental choice of schools for their children, term limits, and a strong national defense.

Steve's Videos

Inflation. Growth. Credit. These are three key forces that will impact America’s economic outlook in 2024. The only question Will cooling inflation allow the Federal Reserve to not only stop raising interest rates, but potentially cut them? Will growth slow, but not grind to a halt, encouraging stock investors to take on more risk? Will the credit markets continue to tighten, without seizing up? Get the answers YOU need to those questions and more in this hard-hitting panel featuring top economists and investment strategists. Then put the guidance you receive to work in your portfolio in 2024.
Rising inflation, rising interest rates, and rising market instability made for a confounding environment last year. So, where can investors turn for relief in 2023? What sectors are likely to prosper as the Federal Reserve's policy approach shifts? Which sectors will fall further behind? And if your goal is income, what equity and fixed income investments make the most sense?

Steve Forbes, chairman and editor-in-chief of Forbes Media, is a widely respected economic prognosticator, not to mention a keen and closer follower of goings-on in Washington and how they impact the economy and the markets. In his presentation, Steve will answer the question: What can Republicans do to bring us good times? Specifically, Steve will talk about steps the GOP can take in Congress to remove barriers to progress, including wage a fight with a Federal Reserve addicted to engineering hard times. Don't miss it.

As inflation surges, a desperate political class may resort to price controls, which do more harm than good. The Fed may panic and back off the inflation fight as the economy slows and foreign currencies plummet.

There are two simple ways to fell inflation—but power holders don't want to hear them.

Steve's Books

Steve Forbes

Reviving America: How Repealing Obamacare, Replacing the Tax Code and Reforming The Fed will Restore Hope and Prosperity

A clear and vital guide, Reviving America shows how the United States can recover the optimism and entrepreneurial dynamism that made it the greatest nation in history. These are 21st century solutions—not the failed ideas of the recent past. Forbes offers specific ideas and plans, not generalities and bromides, and is challenging policy makers to do the same.