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Phil Mackintosh

Chief Economist,

Nasdaq, Inc.

  • Nasdaq Chief Economist
  • Writes Weekly Market Makers Column
  • Hosts Nasdaq’s TotalMarkets podcast

About Phil

Phil Mackintosh, Nasdaq chief economist, has 28 years of experience in the finance industry, including roles on the sell-side, buy-side, and at accounting firms, which included managing trading, research, and risk teams. He is an expert in index construction and ETF trading and has published extensive research on trading, ETFs, and market structure.

Phil's Videos

Join us for this rare and exclusive discussion with Nasdaq's chief economist, Phil Mackintosh. During this session, he will take an in-depth look at changes to the market due to the upcoming election and Covid-19. Mr. Mackintosh will also discuss the outperformance of new economy stocks, elevated expected volatility vs real volatility, and valuations and rates. This may be one of the most timely sessions all year, so you won't want to miss your chance to hear from one of the country's most influential economists to help you make sense of the rapidly changing environment.