(Sponsored Content) Chris Temple, editor and publisher at National Investor Publishing, says the title of his recent Special Report – A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Energy Transition – says it all, and you can download a copy of it for yourself RIGHT HERE.

A cartoon of a person running  Description automatically generatedThe facts are simple: The present US administration has not only set back its own desired policy to have half (or more) of the country driving Electric Vehicles (EVs) in the coming several years. That has been all over the news incessantly. And I’m imminently putting out another Special Report on the broader commodities story, with a dedicated section pertaining to a brutally realistic take on the EV story here in the US.

For present purposes, the ideologues and starry-eyed (but STUNNINGLY ignorant, when it comes to the real world) “climate change” personages surrounding President Biden also got WAY ahead of things in their efforts to kill off fossil fuels, or “Old Energy.”

And in so doing, they have paradoxically created one of the most long-term bullish environments for oil and, especially, natural gas in quite some time!

Again, learn all about it RIGHT HERE: The industry/political and macro picture AND specific investments I am recommending.

If you are not already a member, visit Chris Temple at NationalInvestor.com.