Our active Buy List is now carrying a net 68.7% in paper profit...more than ever and triple the 22% I targeted a year ago as our “magic number” for clawing our way out of the 2022 bear market as fast as mathematically possible. One leader, The Trade Desk Inc. (TTD), is already breaking post-pandemic records and is 14% from its all-time high, explains Hilary Kramer, editor of Game Changers.

TTD through its self-service, cloud-based platform and ad buyers creates, manages, and optimizes data-driven digital advertising campaigns across ad formats and channels, including display, video, audio, in-app, native and social, on a multitude of devices, such as computers, mobile devices, and connected television.

Again, stronger business, bigger company. It deserves to break records. Hang in there.

The Trade Desk Inc. (TTD)
A graph showing the growth of a stock market  Description automatically generated

Here’s the dirty secret: We were in TTD early in the post-bear-market recovery and already booked 52% on the way back up. This is a Top 20 trade for us now. It was a Top 10 trade for us then. And yes, I want more here.

Recommended Action: Buy TTD.

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