ManpowerGroup (MAN) is a premier global staffing firm with broad reach and extensive job networks, explains John Buckingham, a leading value-oriented money manager and editor of The Prudent Speculator.
The potency of its job placement business has helped the company branch out into all aspects of human resources and position itself as a strategic partner for a host of multinational and local firms.
ManpowerGroup offers varied services such as temporary staffing, permanent placement, workforce training and outplacement.
The shares have dipped this year, as jobs were cut and staffing levels were reduced due to the pandemic-driven recession, with earnings for 2020 expected to be about half of 2019’s figure.
While some industries may not see a strong recovery next year, we think that record personal savings rates and itchiness to resume a semblance of normal life will offer a demand boost, leading to a stronger global economy and a hiring bounce.
We continue to like ManpowerGroup's broad geographic footprint, wide range of offerings, good expense management and solid balance sheet.
The employment market has varied in strength by region and business, but we think MAN offers solutions that work in a variety of environments. Meanwhile, the stock yields 2.6%.
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